Susabelle Kelmer - "Love is Everything"

Novels by Susabelle Kelmer

Fairest of the Faire

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Schoolteacher Constance Meyers is suddenly a young widow, her late husband exposed as the gambler and cheat he was. Heartbroken and financially devastated, she moves to her sister-in-law’s Midwest home to rebuild her life. A trip to the local Renaissance Fair with her nieces leads to a summer job as a costumed storyteller.

 Avowed bad boy and fair performer Gage Youngblood is infatuated with Connie at first sight. Despite his deliberately commitment-free life, and Connie’s don't-touch-me attitude, he soon has her in his arms, realizing quickly that she is also in his heart. When she is threatened by her late husband’s bookie, he steps into the role of protector, his fate forever sealed with hers.



The Wild Rose Press

National Novel Writing Month

Second Chances - a Novel


Genevieve Courtney thought of life at her bed and breakfast as routine and ordinary, and that's just the way she liked it.  When Tyler Stanton appeared before her, tall and handsome in his firefighter's uniform, she wondered if she was being given a second chance at love.

But nothing good ever comes easy.  Could Tyler's love and strength overcome all obstacles on the way to their love of a lifetime?

Copyright 2015 by Susabelle Kelmer.  All rights reserved.